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Lorelei Kousan

A Bard's Legacy

Born into the shadow of a famous femfatale bard whose name was known in every tavern, Lorelei Kousan was left holding a legacy that she couldn't live up to once her mother mysteriously disappeared. Leaving only her armor and her iconic sword "Liron" behind, the unknown circumstances of her mother's disappearance weighed heavily on Lorelei's mind. Unwilling to allow her mother's legacy to simply fade away without closure, young Lorelei now endevours to prepare herself for the ordeals ahead and eventually follow in the bard's footsteps. 

Though she had no aptitude for singing and performing like her mother, Lorelei channeled her innate arcane abilities and knack for sword-play into a more straight-forward and destructive force, dedicating her studies and training into the art of the magi. The start of her travels, study, and training have brought her to Korvosa, home to a household of relatives and the city's prestigious Acadamae--a school of arcane arts in which Lorelei hopes to enroll to further herself as a magus. It is her hope that together with a sharp mind and honed edge she will be eventually be able to reattempt her mother's final quest and search for the answers that have loomed over her like so many somber ghosts.

...But as dangerous change looms over the city of Korvosa, simple plans such as these are bound to find themselves with many dangerous complications.

General Information

Race: Human
Ethnicity: Andoran
Age: 22
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 151 lbs.
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Blue

Date of Birth: 8 Desnus, 4694
Profession: Aspiring Acadamae Student / Adventurer

Languages: Common (Thick Andoran Accent), Elvish, Draconic


At first glance, Lorelei, who stands at a height of 5'6" and weighs roughly 150 pounds, takes the appearance of an athletic young woman born from nobility. She is well-groomed, well dressed in finely-tailored clothing, and holds her chin high with pride and spirit. Like her mother, Lorelei's Andoran heritage runs thick in her blood, gifting her with a head of platinum blonde hair and proud, vibrant eyes as blue as a free sky. Though her clothing expresses the occasional frill and flare as a testament to its high-quality craftsmanship, it is practical in its design, making her a choice of attire seem fitting for both wine-and-cheese parties and dangerous dungeon crawls all the same.

Aside from her general appearance, three iconic attributes separate Lorelei from a crowd in a wealthy part of town: her cape, her spellbook, and her sword.
Formerly owned by her mother, Lorelei's dark-lavender colored cape hangs snugly from her shoulders underneath certain joints in her boiled-leather armor, adding both flare in social situations and comfort on cold nights in front of a campfire. Embroidered onto its back is the proud Andoran Crest, depicted as an golden eagle clutching to an olive branch in one talon, and a sword in the other. Those who knew of Lirit also knew of her love for her country and the values it represented. Lorelei can fondly recall that her mother wished to bring a little bit of Andoran into any place she visited, but now it seems that desire has been passed down to her daughter. Though Lorelei still has her doubts over whether or not she can carry such a dream adequately upon her own shoulders, she still honors her mother's wishes while she adorns the cloak.

Hanging from her belt is a fairly large, leather-bound book with a metal clasp affixed to keep it shut. To anyone with knowledge of arcane arts, it is easy to tell that this is Lorelei's spellbook. Within it are all of her private notes and studies over the years as she meticulously keeps track of any important information she has learned through her travels. Due to this, she is very protective of the book and keeps it at her side and under lock and key at all possible times.

Finally, there is her sword, Liron. Formerly wielded by her mother, Liron has seen many adventures, performances, and battles alike to the point that its experience alone is a testament to its qualities and capabilities. Its shape takes the form of a rather unique-looking sword, serving as a cross between that of a katana and a rapier, allowing the weapon's lethal tip to make it adequate for parrying and thrusting while its single-bladed and ever-so-slightly curved edge make it an equally deadly slashing weapon. Liron is a masterpiece in both form and function, featuring runic engravings along its hilt and the base of its blade that depict images of crashing waves and musical notations.


Ambitious. Dedicated. Headstrong.

Lorelei can best be described as a young woman with a fire in her heart, daggers in her eyes, and a beautiful gem in her mind. To her, challenges are naught but hurdles to overcome, and what she lacks in experience she makes up with her driving force of determination. As a magus with no small amount of ambitions, knowledge and skill go hand-in-hand together and Lorelei works tirelessly to hone both to the limits of her capabilities and beyond. Though she can be a bit headstrong and show some of the infamous temper that her mother was sometimes known for, Lorelei has the uncanny ability to remain cool under pressure and tends to work out problems and conflicts with calculated efficiency. 

A fatal flaw in her admirable dedication, however, is the fact that once her mind has been set on a particular goal, she has a bad habit of letting her pursuit of accomplishment swallow her attention. This tunnel-vision can last from hours to weeks as she repeatedly attempts to conquer any obstacle in her way as quickly as possible. Paradoxical to this relentless sense of pursuit, Lorelei is actually quite impatient while so many more questions and challenges weigh heavily on her mind, hence her disposition to dedicate her time exclusively to eradicating issues one at a time. 

While this line of thought makes her status as a noblewoman something that exists by title alone in terms of social graces, few can dispute her aptitude with magic and swordplay given her age and relative lack of combat experience. Liron becomes an extension of her self within Lorelei's hands as she intuitively mixes arcane and acrobatics between decisive slashes of her blade. Likewise, she is an aspiring connoisseur of knowledge, and has spent as much time with her nose stuck deep within tomes as she has honing her skills as a swordsman. Together, these disciplines reflect back toward the tenants of her personality, displaying both her unquenchable ambitions and her dedication toward developing the skills to achieve them.


Lorelei is the daughter of the famous adventurer-turned-entertainer, Lirit Kousan. Born in the capital of Andoran, Almas, she was a skilled bard of renown who followed in her noble ideas of preserving peace and fighting for the greater good of all. Lirit made her name known to taverns across Andoran and its neighboring regions, though words of high-regard for her performances may have spread further still. The bard’s influence on the lives of others soon drew others to follow alongside her, forming a small but close-knit party of adventurers sworn to leave the world a better place than they had left it. She was best known for her songs about the myriads of adventures she and her band of allies have journeyed along, telling the tales of the lives they had saved and the monsters they had slain. Lorelei was born between the mutual relationship between Lirit and her party's sorcerer, Kaleo--or so it was believed. But despite any sort of ambiguity that might have been present, so close were these stalwart allies that the newborn child was immediately welcomed into the group with open arms as a fellow adventurer-in-the-making.

After the child's birth the direction of the adventurer's lives began to slowly change over time, steering them away from excessively dangerous quests now that the idea of a happily contented and stable future journeyed along-side them in the form of a beautiful baby girl. For a few years, the party focused more on caring for one another than gallivanting across the world looking for danger. It was during this time that Lirit wielded a lute much more often than a sword, eventually sparring her rise to popularity within large-name taverns. However, this period of respite among the band of adventurers soon came to an end as the party resided within Lastwall’s capital of Vigil. A call to arms to protect the realm from the encroaching forces of the Abyss found itself to the military dictatorship, rekindling the fire for action within Lirit’s band of adventurers. The fourth crusade against the darkness in the northern reaches of Golarion had begun, and the forces of virtue were desperate to repel the demons’ counter-attack. Lirit and company simply couldn’t refuse the outcry for able-bodied warriors, and thus made their way to the World Wound’s borders.

In the meantime, the young Lorelei was left in the care of a family-operated inn established within Vigil. In good standing with her famous mother, the family took good care of the newly-adolescent child in her parents' absence, frequently taking her on tours throughout the city in order to calm her mind about her friends and parents that had marched to war. As the years passed and Lorelei grew into an adolescent, she begun to struggle under her mother’s limelight. Though she shared her blood and surname, Lorelei was unable to hold a candle toward her mother in terms of neither her talent nor her legacy. For a time, this deeply troubled the young girl, leaving her in a strange place in which her own persona was renowned but was without substance. Though she was inherently gifted with the innate arcane powers that bards are wont to possess, she was shy and crippled by stage-fright. As a result, she instead honed her talents in a different form. With an interest in the arts of thaumaturgy, Lorelei leveraged a bit of her status as the daughter of the famous Lirit Kousan to receive a private tutorship from Vigil’s Crusader War College. As expected of such a school, however, swordplay was also a primary aspect of Lorelei’s lessons. Some few years later, eventually the once-distraught young woman learned to entwine the teachings of both steel and sorcery, paving the way for her future as a magus. Though never officially enlisted as a crusader, she held hopes that such training might one day make herself worthy of the fame the Kousan name carried with it.

By the time the soldiers returned from the exhausted crusade, Lorelei was eighteen years of age. Kaleo--Lorelei’s father--and the rest of the battered and bitter adventuring party arrived with the main body of the returned crusaders, but Lirit was not among them. Scarred, broken, and defeated, the middle-aged band of would-be heroes had found only darkness in misery in their last attempt at fighting for a brighter tomorrow. Now, those that survived among them were riddled with injuries—both physical and mental—that made such a living entirely too difficult to continue, and they unanimously agreed to return to Vigil before officially disbanding.

Lirit's fate, however, remained unaccounted for. With morale sinking low in the face of insurmountable odds, the famous bard refused to leave her self-provided duties behind. Though the crusade had ended, the war within the minds of its soldiers did not, and no self-respecting bard would have turned her back in the face of such circumstances. Though the thought of being unable to see her daughter again after all this time did give her pause, she sent her love for Lorelei along with Kaleo in the form of her personal armor, her beloved sword, and her blessings.

Though the group of former-crusaders as a whole remained closed to one another, their arrival back at Vigil decidedly marked the dissolution of their party, freeing one another from struggling with competing obligations and responsibilities. Over time, one by one, the individuals of the original group began to go their separate ways. Finally, some years later when all that remained of the initial party were Kaleo and Lorelei, there was talk between about returning to Almas and settling down as a proper family. But Lorelei was discontent with such a plan without her mother. While her 'unofficial' training with the War College had provided Lorelei with the groundwork of a respectable swordsman, she felt far from able to consider her training complete. As feelings of helplessly began to reemerge within her psyche, she refusing to return to Andoran and instead decided to journey to Korvosa with the intent to enroll within its prestigious Acadamae and complete her studies.

At first, Lorelei's decision to leave for Korvosa was blessed by good fortune despite her father's initial reluctance. Kaleo explained that one of the former members of he and Lirit's disbanded adventuring party, Luta Thamyris--a woman whom Lirit herself considered a sister--had actually moved to Korvosa to be wed to her well-to-do fiance Clemens Brentanno some time ago. Though the news that recently followed within the last few years spoke of some sort of legal affair that ended with the marriage called off, Clemens in jail, and Luta with ownership of most of their property and custody over their daughter, Cadence. After exchanging letters, "Aunt" Luta was more than willing to welcome Lorelei to stay with them until she was able to enroll into the Acadamae--a chance that the aspiring magus simply couldn't pass up.

Unfortunately, Lorelei’s arrival in Korvosa did not go as well as she had hoped. Tragedy struck shortly before Lorelei even arrived as it seemed Cadence had gone missing. While the free-spirited child was notorious for running off to play on her own, she was nowhere to be found for several days before Lorelei arrived. To make matters worse, the city's guard was unable or unwilling to help in the matter despite Aunt Luta's fervent pleas. Left with no choice but to take matters into her own hands, Lorelei relentlessly searched through Korvosa's unfamiliar streets alongside her Aunt Luta, persisting without rest even after her long journey to the city. 

Finally, after days of fruitless searching, Lorelei caught what might've been a glimpse of young Cadence amidst a small crowd of other children and some rather older, suspicious figures. However, the group dispersed into Korvosa's crowded streets before she had the opportunity to confront them. Upon relaying the details of this event to Aunt Luta, she nervously recalled the stories of "Lamm's Lambs," poor children who've been manipulated by a criminal known as Gaedren Lamm. Now with a notable lead to follow, Lorelei's stubborn determination has found itself renewed and her efforts redoubled as she sets out in search for a means to free Cadence and the other missing children, and perhaps put Gaedren to justice as well.

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